Yellow fever is a viral infection transmitted by a specific type of mosquito. It’s prevalent in parts of Africa or South America. Vaccination is the most effective way to the prevent yellow fever. Here are some key points about the yellow fever vaccination:
Who Needs It:
Yellow Fever is a viral disease transmitted by the mosquitoes. It can cause fever, chills, severe headache, back pain, general body aches, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. Severe cases can lead to jaundice (hence the name “yellow” fever), bleeding, organ failure, and death.
Yellow fever is an epidemic-prone and mosquito-borne vaccine in preventable disease that is the transmitted to the humans by the bites of infected mosquitoes. Yellow fever is the caused by an arbovirus (a virus transmitted by vectors such mosquitoes, ticks or other arthropods) transmitted to the humans by the bites of infected Aedes or Haemagogus mosquitoes.
These day-biting mosquitoes breed around houses (domestic), in the forests and jungles (sylvatic), and in both habitats (semi-domestic). Yellow fever is the high-impact and high-threat disease, with risk of the international spread, which represents a potential threat to global health security.
The vaccine for Yellow Fever is highly effective and typically provides lifelong immunity. It is a live attenuated virus vaccine, meaning it contains a weakened form of the virus that stimulates the body’s immune system to develop immunity. Book Your Appointment.