The process of a painless delivery is similar to a normal delivery, with the addition of an epidural to significantly reduce labor pains. Expectant mothers want everything to be perfect when planning for the birth of their baby, so here is an explanation of the painless delivery process.
Once active labor begins and before the epidural is administered, the mother will receive IV fluids, typically about 1-2 liters, throughout labor and delivery.
Before administering the epidural, an anesthetist will ask the mother to assume a comfortable position to facilitate the injection and increase its effectiveness.
After cleaning the area with an antiseptic, a small amount of local anesthetic will be injected into the lower back to numb the area. A catheter will then be threaded through a needle into the epidural space, the area between the bones of the spine and around the spinal nerves.
It takes about 5 to 30 minutes for the epidural to take full effect.
Women can opt for a normal delivery without pain while remaining conscious throughout the procedure: