Radiance Hospital Pvt. Ltd.

Free Prostate Operation | Free Stone Operation | Free Angioplasty (PTCA) | Free Bypass (CABG)
Central Government Health Scheme (C.G.H.S.) | Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna (PMJAY) | Coal India Limited | BSNL | Ordanance Factory (Ambazari) | South East Central Railways | Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojna (MJPJAY) | MP Government | Nagpur Metro | Ordanance Factory (Chandrapur) | Central Railways | E.S.I.C. | MP Police | Ordanance Factory (Bhandara) | RBSY


What Is ICCU?

Intensive coronary care is the focused medical attention provided to individuals facing acute health crises necessitating critical care.

Within an intensive coronary care unit (ICCU), specialized medical teams deliver life-saving interventions for those experiencing acute illness or injury.

Access to the ICCU typically requires a referral from a primary care physician or specialist unless it’s an emergency admission.

Who Is Cared For In ICCU ?

Patients may find themselves admitted to the ICCU through planned procedures following surgery, unforeseen emergencies such as accidents, or due to sudden and severe health declines.

Comprised of a diverse range of healthcare professionals, ICCU teams include highly trained intensive care nurses, physicians, and specialists adept at delivering critical care to patients facing a spectrum of medical, surgical, and trauma-related challenges.

Our hospital’s ICCU specializes in offering tailored care for specific health conditions or injuries, including but not limited to:

  • Major trauma
  • Severe burns
  • Respiratory failure
  • Organ transplants
  • Complex spinal surgery
  • Cardiothoracic surgery


Our ICCU maintains a visitor policy designed to safeguard the welfare of our patients. Please consult ICCU hospital staff for detailed information on our visiting hours and guidelines.

Typically, visits are limited to individuals identified by the patient as immediate family members.

If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness or have pre-existing health conditions, we kindly request that you reconsider visiting the ICCU or engage in a discussion with ICCU staff regarding your circumstances prior to your planned visit.